Monday, January 11, 2010

Goals, Goals, Goals

Finally after taking a long ten days to reflect on the past year, I can say I'm ready for 2010. It took me awhile because, I didn't want to make any hurried decisions based on emotions or excitement.

So, I have made some realistic goals for this month and one,just one top priority goal for this blog;

1. write posts for my blog three times a week.

Why is this so important, you may ask? After all, some bloggers post daily and sometimes more than once a day? I find that I have so many things I want to write about that I become overwhelmed. Having a goal of posting articles thrice a week is my way of holding myself accountable.

What are your goals? Are they long term goals or short term goals? Have you taken any steps to ensure you meet your goals? It would be nice if you could share them with us.


  1. I've set several writing goals for 2010. But my number one goal is to complete my novel and begin submitting it places!

  2. Go for it Holly! Best wishes on getting your novel finished.

  3. I think 3x a week is great. I need to have the same goal. I was posting almost daily. With reviews on my other site, I could post more than once a day. I also have a few other places I write for...balance is the key this year!

  4. Richele, you are one busy woman :)! Balance is certainly the key. If only I could find it:).

  5. Hi Theo: I think that's a good blogging goal. I get overwhelmed if I try to do much too as well :-)! My favorite resolution is to give myself a hot fudge sundae for dinner (I;'m going to go to Ghirardelli). And I have another one about trying out some new classes - so far I am trying out Raj Yoga Meditation - and it's been fun.
    Happy Friday!

  6. Just thinking about the hot fudge sundae is enough to ruin my diet :).

    Why do some people have all the luck:)?

  7. I think you are doing awesome, Theody! It is hard to keep up with everything, esp. when you are a mom, in school, and trying to post on a blog, as well as a million other things I'm sure. Don't worry. We (your loyal readers and minions) love you and won't be upset if you don't post as often as you'd like. We'll still be back to check on you and read excitedly whatever you've written whenever it appears. Have a super weekend!!

  8. Thanks for your kind words, Naomi:)

    Have a very relaxing weekend !


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